Reverse DNS Servers

Following our hardware failure back in December, the old servers that handled our reverse DNS have now been replaced.  New servers became active on 20/03/2019 and are functioning as expected.  VPS users are able to set their own reverse DNS entries through the SolusVM panel, dedicated server customers will need to contact support in the […]


2018, Onwards and Upwards!

So here it is, the first blog post of 2018!  A lot has happened at ValueVPS over the past two months and I’m excited to share them with you here.  First off, we’ve moved.  Our datacentres are still in the same places and still all working as normal but our office has moved.  We are […]

The New Clear and Bold Blog

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Mauris sed mauris bibendum est imperdiet porttitor tincidunt at lorem. Pendisse blandit ligula turpis, ac convallis risus fermentum non. Duis vestibulum quis quam vel accumsan. Nunc a vulputate lectus. Vestibulum eleifend nisl sed massa sagittis vestibulum. Vestibulum pretium blandit tellus, sodales volutpat sapien varius vel.

Proin Vel Mauris Diam

Pendisse blandit ligula turpis, ac convallis risus fermentum non. Duis vestibulum quis quam vel accumsan. Nunc a vulputate lectus. Vestibulum eleifend nisl sed massa sagittis vestibulum. Vestibulum pretium blandit tellus, sodales volutpat sapien varius vel. Phasellus tristique cursus erat, a placerat tellus laoreet eget.

Proin Urna Enim Semper

Pendisse blandit ligula turpis, ac convallis risus fermentum non. Duis vestibulum quis quam vel accumsan. Nunc a vulputate lectus. Vestibulum eleifend nisl sed massa sagittis vestibulum. Vestibulum pretium blandit tellus, sodales volutpat sapien varius vel. Phasellus tristique cursus erat, a placerat tellus laoreet eget.

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